One-Click Install Installations in InstallScript Projects

InstallShield 2016

Project • This information applies to InstallScript projects.

A One-Click Install installation includes a setup player (Setup.ocx) that downloads and then launches the Setup.exe file with the appropriate command line. This enables end users who are using Windows Vista and later with limited privileges to run the installation; if elevated privileges are required because of the required execution level specified in the installation’s manifest, the appropriate User Account Control (UAC) prompt is displayed when the Setup.exe file is launched. If end users have an earlier version of Windows on their systems, the manifest is ignored, but the other behavior is the same.

The Setup.exe file for One-Click Install installations does not include any COM information.

Like any other installation, an Internet installation can use features such as updating, maintenance mode, multi-instance installation, silent installation—in short, any feature that is available for any InstallShield installation.

The following InstallScript functions are Internet-enabled:

Internet-Enabled InstallScript Functions




Copies a file that is specified by a valid URL, or transmits a CGI or ASP request.


Checks the existence of a folder that is specified by a valid URL.


Gets information about a file that is specified by a valid URL.


Reads lines from a file that is specified by a valid URL.


Checks the following:

Whether the installation is being run from the Internet
The existence of a file or folder that is specified by a valid URL
Whether a given string is a URL
The validity of a URL


Opens a file that is specified by a valid URL.


Retrieves the parts of the specified URL.


Reads bytes from a file that is specified by a valid URL.


Repositions the file pointer within a file that is specified by a valid URL.