Dialog Controls

InstallShield 2016

Whether your dialog is part of a Basic MSI, InstallScript, InstallScript MSI, InstallScript Object, or Merge Module project, you can use many of the same controls to modify the layout and behavior of your predefined and custom dialogs.

Dialog Controls

Control Type

Project Type



Basic MSI, Merge Module

A billboard control is used to display data that can be updated in response to control events. You can use a billboard, for example, to display the progress of a protracted custom action.

Project • If your installation includes a Setup.exe launcher, you can have the launcher display billboards during the file transfer process; this is an alternative to the billboard control, which is a Windows Installer control. This Setup.exe billboard support is available in Basic MSI, InstallScript, and InstallScript MSI installations. To learn more about this type of billboard, see Displaying Billboards.


Basic MSI, InstallScript, InstallScript MSI, InstallScript Object, Merge Module

A bitmap control displays an image.

Check box

Basic MSI, InstallScript, InstallScript MSI, InstallScript Object, Merge Module

A check box control displays a check box that end user can select or clear.

Combo box

Basic MSI, InstallScript, InstallScript MSI, InstallScript Object, Merge Module

A combo box control is a box that contains a drop-down list of predefined values; the box is also an edit field in which an end user can enter a value.


Basic MSI, InstallScript, InstallScript MSI, InstallScript Object, Merge Module

A dialog control is associated with a series of settings that you configure.

Directory combo

Basic MSI, Merge Module

A directory combo is used in conjunction with a directory list and a path edit control to create a browse dialog. The directory combo displays the list of drives mapped on the current system.

Directory list

Basic MSI, Merge Module

A directory list is used in conjunction with a directory combo and a path edit control to create a browse dialog. The directory list displays the folders below the drive that is selected in the directory combo control, and it populates the value of the path edit control.

Edit Field

Basic MSI, InstallScript, InstallScript MSI, InstallScript Object, Merge Module

An edit field control is a text box in which end users can enter a string or an integer.

Group box

Basic MSI, InstallScript, InstallScript MSI, InstallScript Object, Merge Module

A group box can be used to enclose various controls in one area. A group box also provides a label that you can use to express the relationship between the controls that are contained within it.


Basic MSI, Merge Module

The hyperlink control displays an HTML link; clicking the link at run time opens a page in the default browser on the target system.

Important • Windows Installer 5 and later include support for the hyperlink control.

Project • To learn how to add an HTML control to a dialog in an InstallScript project or in an InstallScript MSI project, see Using an HTML Control on a Dialog.


Basic MSI, InstallScript, InstallScript MSI, InstallScript Object, Merge Module

The icon control displays a picture of an icon.


Basic MSI, InstallScript, InstallScript MSI, InstallScript Object, Merge Module

The line control creates lines of adjustable length and thickness. You can use lines on a dialog to separate areas of the dialog or add graphical touches.

List box

Basic MSI, InstallScript, InstallScript MSI, InstallScript Object, Merge Module

The list box control is a standard list box that lets end users select a single option from a list of predetermined options.

List view

Basic MSI, InstallScript, InstallScript MSI, InstallScript Object, Merge Module

The list view control displays a single column of options; an icon is displayed next to each option.

Masked edit

Basic MSI, Merge Module

The masked edit control is essentially an edit field control that lets end users enter information in a specified format.

Path edit

Basic MSI, Merge Module

A path edit control is used in conjunction with a directory combo control and a directory list control to create a browse dialog. The path edit displays the complete path that is assembled from selections that the end user makes in the directory combo and directory list, along with or instead of edits that the end user makes.

Progress bar

Basic MSI, InstallScript, InstallScript MSI, InstallScript Object, Merge Module

A progress bar is a dynamic, graphical bar that fills up in response to control events.

Push button

Basic MSI, InstallScript, InstallScript MSI, InstallScript Object, Merge Module

A push button control is a button that carries out a command when an end user clicks it.

Radio button

Basic MSI, InstallScript, InstallScript MSI, InstallScript Object, Merge Module

A radio button control is one of two or more mutually exclusive options that end users can select. A radio button must be inserted into a radio button group; it functions as part of that control.

Radio button group

Basic MSI, InstallScript, InstallScript MSI, InstallScript Object, Merge Module

A radio button group control is a container for radio button controls. A radio button group and its radio buttons behave as a single control.

Scrollable text

Basic MSI, Merge Module

A scrollable text control displays a long string of text that cannot fit on the dialog; the control includes scroll bars that enable end users to scroll through the text. The LicenseAgreement dialog is an example of a dialog that typically contains a scrollable text control.

Selection tree

Basic MSI, InstallScript, InstallScript MSI, InstallScript Object, Merge Module

A selection tree is a special control that lets end users change the selection state of your features, like in the CustomSetup dialog.

Text area

Basic MSI, InstallScript, InstallScript MSI, InstallScript Object, Merge Module

A text area control displays text.

Volume cost list

Basic MSI, Merge Module

A volume cost list control displays the disk space requirements that are associated with each volume or drive.

Volume select combo

Basic MSI, Merge Module

A volume select combo control enables the end user to select from an alphabetical list of volumes, or drives.