InstallShield Custom Action Reference

InstallShield 2015

This section describes each of the built-in InstallShield custom actions that are added automatically to InstallShield projects to support different functionality.


Decreases the value of the property SERIALNUMVALRETRYLIMIT by 1.


Decreases the value of the property SERIALNUMVALRETRYLIMIT by 1.


Uses FlexNet Connect to check for product updates.

This custom action launches an executable file called Agent.exe, and it passes the following:

/au[ProductCode] /EndOfInstall


Uses FlexNet Connect to check for product updates on reboot.

This custom action launches an executable file called Agent.exe, and it passes the following:

/au[ProductCode] /EndOfInstall /Reboot


Standard DLL wrapper that cleans extracted data.

This is a Windows Installer DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is dllwrap.dll, and its entry point is DLLWrapCleanup.


Standard DLL wrapper that extracts data that describes calls.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is dllwrap.dll, and its entry point is DLLWrapStartup.


Removes extracted files from a multi-package transaction.


Prepares and extracts files for a multi-package transaction.


Removes extracted files from a multi-package transaction.


Extracts information from the ISComPlusApplication table and saves it in a temporary file for COM+ applications.

This is a Windows Installer DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is iscomsrv.dll, and its entry point is ISComponentServiceCosting.


Commits COM+ applications during installation and uninstallation.

This is a Windows Installer DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is iscomsrv.dll, and its entry point is ISComponentServiceFinalize.


Installs COM+ applications during an installation.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is iscomsrv.dll, and its entry point is ISComponentServiceInstall.


Rolls back COM+ applications during a failed installation or uninstallation.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is iscomsrv.dll, and its entry point is ISComponentServiceRollback.


Removes COM+ applications during uninstallation.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is iscomsrv.dll, and its entry point is ISComponentServiceUninstall.


Removes temporary files and registry entries for an IIS installation.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is IISHelper.dll, and its entry point is ISIISCleanup.


Creates a list of actions in a temporary file for an IIS installation. Sets the CustomActionData property for other IIS actions.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is IISHelper.dll, and its entry point is ISIISCosting.


Creates Web sites, applications, virtual directories, and other items for an IIS installation.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is IISHelper.dll, and its entry point is ISIISInstall.


Removes Web sites, applications, virtual directories, and other items during rollback for IIS.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is IISHelper.dll and its entry point is ISIISRollback.


Removes Web sites, applications, virtual directories, and other items during uninstallation for IIS.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is IISHelper.dll, and its entry point is ISIISUninstall.


Launches the installation of prerequisites that are associated with features.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is PrqLaunch.dll, and its entry point is InstallPrerequisites.


Precompiles .NET assemblies at installation time.

This custom action launches a Microsoft executable file called ngen.exe.


Deletes a precompiled .NET assemblies at uninstallation time.

This custom action launches a Microsoft executable file called ngen.exe.


Sets the CustomActionData property for the ISLockPermissionsInstall action.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is ISLockPermissions.dll, and its entry point is ISLockPermissionsCostAction.


Sets permissions when the product is installed.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is ISLockPermissions.dll, and its entry point is ISLockPermissionsInstallAction.


Creates users and groups from an .ini file.

This is a Windows Installer DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is ISNetAPI.dll, and its entry point is ISNetApiInstall.


Rolls back changes for users and groups.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is ISNetAPI.dll, and its entry point is ISNetApiRollback.


Extracts operations to a temporary file for users and groups.

This is a DLL custom action called ISNetAPI.dll.


Cleans up temporary files for users and groups.

This is a DLL custom action called ISNetAPI.dll.


Puts groups into a combo box.

This is a Windows Installer DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is ISNetAPI.dll, and its entry point is ISNetGetGroups.


Puts a list of servers into a combo box.

This is a Windows Installer DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is ISNetAPI.dll, and its entry point is ISNetGetServers.


Puts a list of users into a combo box.

This is a Windows Installer DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is ISNetAPI.dll, and its entry point is ISNetGetUsers.


Stores the user, group, and server properties that were entered in the LogonInformation dialogs.

This is a Windows Installer DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is ISNetAPI.dll, and its entry point is ISNetSetLogonName.


Verifies that a valid user name, server, and password combination were entered in the LogonInformation dialogs.

This is a Windows Installer DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is ISNetAPI.dll, and its entry point is ISNetValidateLogonName.


Stores the user, group, and server properties that were entered in the LogonInformation dialogs.

This is a Windows Installer DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is ISNetAPI.dll, and its entry point is ISNetValidateNewUserInformation.


Extracts information from the ISNetworkShares table and saves it in a temporary file for network sharing.

This is a Windows Installer DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is ISNetworkShares.dll, and its entry point is ISNetworkSharesCosting.


Cleans up temporary files for configuring network shares.

This is a Windows Installer DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is ISNetworkShares.dll, and its entry point is ISNetworkSharesFinalize.


Configures network sharing for one or more folders.

This is a Windows Installer DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is ISNetworkShares.dll, and its entry point is ISNetworkSharesInstall.


Rolls back network sharing for one or more folders.

This is a Windows Installer DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is ISNetworkShares.dll, and its entry point is ISNetworkSharesRollback.


Removes network sharing for one or more folders.

This is a Windows Installer DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is ISNetworkShares.dll, and its entry point is ISNetworkSharesUninstall.


Prints the contents of a ScrollableText control on a dialog.

This is a Windows Installer DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is SetAllUsers.dll, and its entry point is PrintScrollableText.


Cleans shared reference counts for a QuickPatch.

This is a Windows Installer DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is QuickPatchHelper.dll, and its entry point is ISQuickPatchFinalize.


Reinstalls shortcuts for a QuickPatch.

This is a Windows Installer DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is QuickPatchHelper.dll, and its entry point is ISQuickPatchFixShortcut.


Applies clean feature states for a QuickPatch.

This is a Windows Installer DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is QuickPatchHelper.dll, and its entry point is ISQuickPatchHelper.


Cleans component and feature states for a QuickPatch.

This is a Windows Installer DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is QuickPatchHelper.dll, and its entry point is ISQuickPatchInit.


Cleans component and feature states for a QuickPatch.

This is a Windows Installer DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is QuickPatchHelper.dll, and its entry point is ISQuickPatchInit9X.


Cleans component and feature states for a QuickPatch.

This is a Windows Installer DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is QuickPatchHelper.dll, and its entry point is ISQuickPatchInit9X2.


Runs the AddLocal events that are associated with the Next button on the SetupType dialog. This action needs to be called when the installation does not display the SetupType dialog.

This is a Windows Installer DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is ISXExpHlp.dll, and its entry point is RunSetupTypeAddLocalEvent.


Creates a temporary file that has a list of changes that need to be made in text files.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is isschrpl.dll, and its entry point is ISSearchReplaceCosting.


Cleans up temporary files for text file changes.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is isschrpl.dll, and its entry point is ISSearchReplaceFinalize.


Applies text file changes when the product is installed.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is isschrpl.dll, and its entry point is ISSearchReplaceInstall.


Rolls back text file changes and cleans up temporary files for text file changes.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is isschrpl.dll, and its entry point is ISSearchReplaceRollback.


Applies text file changes when the product is uninstalled.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is isschrpl.dll, and its entry point is ISSearchReplaceUninstall.


Extracts operations to a temporary file for self-registration.

This is a Windows Installer DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is isregsvr.dll, and its entry point is ISSelfRegisterCosting.


Registers self-registering files.

This is a Windows Installer DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is isregsvr.dll, and its entry point is ISSelfRegisterFiles.


Cleans up temporary file from self-registration.

This is a Windows Installer DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is isregsvr.dll, and its entry point is ISSelfRegisterFinalize.


Sets ALLUSERS per upgrade or initial installation requirements.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is SetAllUsers.dll, and its entry point is SetAllUsers.



This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is SetAllUsers.dll, and its entry point is SetTARGETDIR.


Cleans up the temp directory of support files.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is SFHelper.dll, and its entry point is SFCleanupEx.


Extracts support files to a temp directory.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is SFHelper.dll, and its entry point is SFStartupEx.


Finds database catalogs that are available on a specified database server.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is issqlsrv.dll, and its entry point is ISSQLQueryDatabases.


Extracts operations to a temporary file for SQL scripts.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is issqlsrv.dll, and its entry point is ISSQLServerCosting.


Finds available servers for SQL scripts.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is issqlsrv.dll, and its entry point is ISSQLServerFilteredList.


Cleans up temporary files and the state for SQL scripts.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is issqlsrv.dll, and its entry point is ISSQLServerFinalize.


Adds property names for SQL login password to MsiHiddenProperties.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is issqlsrv.dll, and its entry point is ISSQLServerInitialize.


Runs SQL scripts during an installation.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is issqlsrv.dll, and its entry point is ISSQLServerInstall.


Finds available servers.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is issqlsrv.dll, and its entry point is ISSQLServerList.


Removes SQL database login credentials from the Windows registry during an uninstallation.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is issqlsrv.dll, and its entry point is ISSQLServerRemoveLoginInfo.


Runs SQL scripts during a failed installation or uninstallation.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is issqlsrv.dll, and its entry point is ISSQLServerRollback.


During a failed installation or uninstallation, rolls back SQL database login credentials that are stored in the Windows registry.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is issqlsrv.dll, and its entry point is ISSQLServerRollbackLoginInfo.


Runs SQL scripts during an uninstallation.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is issqlsrv.dll, and its entry point is ISSQLServerUninstall.


Tests server connections.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is issqlsrv.dll, and its entry point is ISSQLServerValidate.


Writes SQL database login credentials to the Windows registry during an installation.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is issqlsrv.dll, and its entry point is ISSQLServerWriteLoginInfo.


Unregisters self-registering files.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is isregsvr.dll, and its entry point is ISUnSelfRegisterFiles.


Verifies that an InstallScript MSI installation was launched using Setup.exe, and if not, it displays the message contained in the property STANDARD_USE_SETUPEXE. This custom action is included in all InstallScript MSI projects, and it is scheduled for the beginning of the User Interface sequence.

Note: The ISVerifyScriptingRuntime custom action is called in an InstallScript MSI installation in which the InstallScript UI style is the traditional style (which uses the InstallScript engine as an external UI handler). It is not called for the new style (which uses the InstallScript engine as an embedded UI handler).

To learn more, see Using the InstallScript Engine as an External vs. Embedded UI Handler for InstallScript MSI Installations.


Performs a system search for XML: finds file, performs XPath queries, and stores the results in properties. Driven by the ISXmlLocator table.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is isxmlcfg.dll, and its entry point is ISXmlAppSearch.


Extracts operations to a temporary file for XML file changes.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is isxmlcfg.dll, and its entry point is ISXmlCosting.


Cleans up temporary files for XML file changes.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is isxmlcfg.dll, and its entry point is ISXmlFinalize.


Applies XML file changes.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is isxmlcfg.dll, and its entry point is ISXmlInstall.


Rolls back XML file changes.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is isxmlcfg.dll, and its entry point is ISXmlRollback.


Uninstalls XML file changes.

This is a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is isxmlcfg.dll, and its entry point is ISXmlUnInstall.


Launches an executable file at the end of an installation.

This is a Windows Installer DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is SerialNumCAHelper.dll, and its entry point is LaunchProgram.


Launches a readme file at the end of an installation.

This is a Windows Installer DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is SerialNumCAHelper.dll, and its entry point is LaunchReadMe.


Initializes the ALLUSERSPROFILE directory identifier for Windows 2000 or later.


Initializes the ALLUSERSPROFILE directory identifier for Windows NT 4.


Sets the value of the ARPINSTALLLOCATION property to the fully qualified path for the application’s primary folder.


Initializes the USERPROFILE directory indentifier.


Displays the Windows Installer log file in Notepad if the end user selects the Show the Windows Installer log check box in the SetupCompleteSuccess, SetupCompleteError, or SetupInterrupted dialogs and then clicks Finish. This works only with Windows Installer 4.0 and later.


Cleans up temporary files for a WiseScript custom action.

This is a a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is WiseScriptBridge.dll, and its entry point is WiseScriptFinalize.


Extracts required files for a WiseScript custom action.

This is a a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is WiseScriptBridge.dll, and its entry point is WiseScriptInitialize.


Cleans up temporary files for a WiseScript custom action.

This is a a DLL custom action. The name of the DLL file is WiseScriptBridge.dll, and its entry point is WiseScriptFinalize.

See Also