Overriding the Default SQL Run-Time Behavior

InstallShield 2015

Project: This information applies to the following project types:

Basic MSI
InstallScript MSI

You can define the following Windows Installer properties to override default run-time behavior:

Windows Installer Properties for SQL




Overrides the connections that will be tested when clicking the Next button on the SQLLogin dialog. Specify multiple connections by separating each with a semicolon. By default, all the connections in the ISSQLConnection table will be validated.


Specifies one or more SQL connections that should be skipped during installation or uninstallation. To specify more than one SQL connection, separate each with a semicolon (;). To skip all of the SQL connections, set the value of this property to ALL. Using this property is helpful if you cannot uninstall a product because of a SQL scripting error.


Specifies not to use the stored SQL Server login information written in the registry. Since the SQLLogin dialog is not displayed in maintenance and uninstall modes, the installation stores the login information that is specified during installation. If you do not want this behavior, set the IS_SQLSERVER_DO_NOT_USE_REG property.


Specifies to show only the local SQL Server in the SQL Server browse combo box and list box controls.

Note: To show only the local SQL Server and either remote SQL Servers or SQL Server aliases, you can set the IS_SQLSERVER_LOCAL_ONLY property, as well as either the IS_SQLSERVER_REMOTE_ONLY property or the IS_SQLSERVER_ALIAS_ONLY property.


Specifies to show only the remote SQL Servers in the SQL Server browse combo box and list box controls.

Note: To show only the remote SQL Servers and either the local SQL Server or SQL Server aliases, you can set the IS_SQLSERVER_REMOTE_ONLY property, as well as either the IS_SQLSERVER_LOCAL_ONLY property or the IS_SQLSERVER_ALIAS_ONLY property.


Specify to show only the SQL Server aliases in the SQL Server browse combo box and list box controls.

Note: To show only the SQL Server aliases and either the local SQL Server or remote SQL Servers, you can set the IS_SQLSERVER_ALIAS_ONLY property, as well either the IS_SQLSERVER_LOCAL_ONLY property or the IS_SQLSERVER_REMOTE_ONLY property.

Project: For Basic MSI projects, all connections are linked to the SQLLogin dialog. To display multiple SQLLogin dialogs, you can copy the SQL dialogs from the Dialogs view and modify their behavior and events similar to the default SQL dialogs. Remember to create new properties, and set them in the connection’s Advanced tab of the SQL Scripts view. You can use those new properties when you modify the copies of the SQL dialogs that you made.

See Also