Dragging and Dropping Registry Entries to Create Registry Keys

InstallShield 2015

Project: This information applies to the following project types:

Basic MSI
InstallScript MSI
InstallScript Object
Merge Module
MSI Database
MSM Database

The quickest way to add registry entries to your installation project is to drag them from one of the source panes in the Registry view and drop them into one of the destination panes. When you drop an entire key onto the Destination computer’s Registry view pane, all of that key’s subkeys and values are added to the selected component or, in a InstallScript project, to the registry set on which you drop the entry.

Using the Context Menu to Drag and Drop Keys

You can use the context menu to move multiple keys and values at one time. Right-click a registry entry, drag it to a destination, and click a command on the context menu.

Commands Available from the Registry Entry Context Menu



All keys & values

Adds all selected keys, subkeys, and values.

Key and its values only

Adds only the selected key and the key’s values. No subkeys are added.

Only this key

Adds only the selected key, not any of its subkeys or values.


Ends the drag and drop operation without making any changes.

Viewing Both the 32- and 64-Bit Areas of the Source Machine’s Registry on 64-Bit Development Systems

If you are using InstallShield on a 64-bit development system, the Registry view in InstallShield displays both the 32-bit and 64-bit areas of your machine’s registry:


This support enables you to drag and drop entries from those source areas to the appropriate areas in the destination pane of this view when you are configuring registry data changes for your project.

Note that if you want your installation to install registry data to a 64-bit area of the registry on 64-bit target systems without having it redirected to a 32-bit area, you must place the registry data in a component that is marked as 64 bit. Simply dragging 64-bit data from the source panes in the Registry view to a location in one of the destination panes of the view does not mark the component as 64 bit. For more information, see Targeting 64-Bit Operating Systems.

Importing Data From Another Machine

A limitation of the drag-and-drop procedure is that it works only if the registry entries exist on your installation development system. If you have registry data from another machine, you can import that data with the Import REG File Wizard.