Globalization Tips

InstallShield 2015

Consider these points when designing your product for a global audience:

The goal of global distribution is a localized product that is international in scope and readily adaptable to specific areas of the world.
The key to globalization is resource and code separation, plus country and language independence.
Globalizing your installation requires a design that is simple and modular.
Creating a worldwide specification package means incorporating global requirements into the installation specifications from the beginning.
Make bitmaps and icons culturally sensitive. What may be acceptable in one country could be misleading or offensive in another.
English strings are usually shorter than equivalent text strings in other languages. Translated strings grow an average of 30 to 40 percent. This implies that both static and temporary storage areas will increase in size.
When designing prompts, use only one-half of the available space to allow for expansion.
Avoid hard-coding element positioning and size on the screen, because these items can change when the element is translated.