Installer Settings Tab in the JVM Settings View

InstallAnywhere 2017 » Advanced Designer » Project » JVM Settings

Use the Installer Settings tab of the JVM Settings view to define a list of valid Java VMs that the installer can use, set the heap size for the VMs, set optional installer arguments to send to the Java VM (in addition to the arguments that the installer already sets), indicate whether to install the bundled/downloaded Java VM, and define classpath settings.

The settings on the Installer Settings tab are organized into the following areas:

Installer Valid VM List
Installer VM Heap Size
Optional Installer Arguments
Bundled/Downloaded Virtual Machine
Additional Classpath Settings

Installer Valid VM List

Type an operator that defines what VMs are valid for your project’s installers. You can specify criteria for the virtual machine family, vendor, and version. For example, IBM_JRE_1.6+ selects any IBM JRE of version 1.6.0_0 or later.

For details about valid entries for this setting, see About Java VM Selection Criteria.

Tip • These settings have no effect on macOS or OS X–based installers. By default, macOS or OS X–based installers use the most recent, valid VM that is available on the target system. To force the LaunchAnywhere to use an earlier VM for macOS or OS X–based installers, use the Select Java VM for LaunchAnywhere setting in the Mac OS X area in the Platform Properties view of the Project page.

Installer VM Heap Size

Set the minimum and maximum heap size for the JVM used by the installer.

Note • Consider changing the heap size settings in response to out-of-memory conditions. For installers that install many files, you may need to increase the heap size.

Installer VM Heap Size controls



Minimum Heap Size

Enter the minimum heap size in bytes. This value corresponds to the LAX property

Maximum Heap Size

Enter the maximum heap size in bytes. This value corresponds to the LAX property

Optional Installer Arguments

Enter command-line arguments to be passed to the installer’s virtual machine in the Additional Arguments text box. For example, to run the installer in all supported locales, enter the following argument:


Note • For more information on command-line arguments, see Using Command-Line Arguments with Installers and Uninstallers and LAX Properties.

Bundled/Downloaded Virtual Machine

Use the following controls to determine how your InstallAnywhere installer handles bundled/downloaded Java Virtual Machines. The settings here determine how, when, and where the installer deploys a bundled/downloaded VM to support the application you are installing.

Bundled/Downloaded Virtual Machine Controls



Install Bundled/Downloaded Virtual Machine

Determines whether the installer deploys a bundled VM for use by the application you are installing.

Enable Install Bundled/Downloaded Virtual Machine to always deploy the bundled/downloaded VM when a bundled VM is present. Disable Install Bundled/Downloaded Virtual Machine to never deploy a bundled VM.

Set the conditions under which your installer deploys the bundled/downloaded VM. Available options are:

Only when installing a LaunchAnywhere—Deploys the bundled/downloaded VM (when a bundled VM is present) only if one or more LaunchAnywhere launchers must be installed. Otherwise, the bundled/downloaded VM is not installed.
Only when a compatible VM is not found in the system—Deploys the bundled/downloaded VM unless the installer locates a valid VM (based on the criteria specified in VM Search Settings).
Do not remove bundled/downloaded VM when uninstalling—Prevents the uninstaller from removing the bundled/downloaded VM.

VM Install Folder

Choose the install location (or parent directory) for the bundled VM from a list of Magic Folders.

By default, the installer stores the bundled VM in a JRE subdirectory of the Magic Folder you chose.

Additional Classpath Settings

You can add additional classpaths to your installation project by embedding them (adding the resource as part of the payload, using custom codes along with dependencies, or using the Install from Manifest action).

If you want to add additional resources/classpaths without embedding them, you can use the fields in the Additional Classpath Settings area.

Resolved relative to installer’s location—The paths are resolved relative to the installer’s location during runtime.
Uniform to all modes—The resolved paths are uniform to all modes: installation, uninstallation, maintenance mode, and instance management.

Use the following controls to specify addition classpath settings:

Additional Classpath Settings



Classpath List

List of classpaths added to the installation project.


Click to add a classpath to the project. The Add Classpaths dialog box opens, prompting you to enter the name of the additional classpath to set.


Click to remove the selected classpath from the list.

See Also