Adding a Subnet to an Inventory Beacon

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

You can assign a subnet to an existing inventory beacon. When you assign a subnet to an inventory beacon, the inventory beacon starts managing the added subnet for discovery and inventory changes.

To assign a subnet to an inventory beacon:

  1. Go to the Beacons page.
  2. For the inventory beacon record you wish to change, click the edit icon on the right-hand end of the data row.
    IT Asset Management displays the Beacon Properties page.
  3. Click the Subnets tab.
    IT Asset Management displays a list of subnets assigned to this beacon.
  4. Click Search to display all sites and subnets. You can also enter the subnet IP in the Find subnets to add text box. For more information about using various UI controls, see topics under Using Lists in IT Asset Management.
    IT Asset Management displays the subnets that match the search criteria. You can click + to expand a site record.
  5. Select the desired subnet and click Add subnets.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
