Subnets Tab

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

The Subnets tab enables you to view the subnets managed by an inventory beacon. This page also enables you to perform the following actions:

The following table presents a list of fields on this page in alphabetical order.

Table 1. Beacon properties on the Subnets tab
Property Description

Specifies a site name to which the subnet belongs to. A site can have multiple subnets, each with its own IP address.

Editable in the subnets page.


Shows whether the inventory beacon is Enabled (functioning normally) or Disabled (not processing rules).

Editable in the General tab of the inventory beacon properties.


Specifies a subnet IP address in CIDR notation. A site can have multiple subnets, each with a unique IP address.

Editable in the Subnets page.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
