Specifying Directory Structure of File Share

Workflow Manager 2015

In the course of completing workflow requests, your workflow consumers and administrators may want to upload or download files relevant to the tasks they are performing. All of these files are uploaded to or downloaded from a subdirectory of the file share location that was specified during Workflow Manager installation.

Note • The Workflow Manager File Share location is initially set on the File Share panel of the Workflow Manager installer and recorded in the web.config file. For instructions on how to view or edit this file share location in the web.config file, see File Share Location: Root Folder for Uploading and Downloading Files.

For each workflow request that is created, a set of subdirectories is automatically created in the Workflow Manager file share location to organize these files. To configure which subdirectories of the file share location these files should be stored in, perform the following steps.

To specify directory structure of file share location:

1. Navigate to the following shared directory on your Workflow Manager server:

[FILE_SHARE_LOCATION]\_____AMS_System_Uses_This_Folder_Do_Not_Modify\ _____Sample_Folder_Structure

and open the DirectoryConfig.xml file in a text editor of your choice.

2. The file contains a list of tags, each representing a directory where your uploaded and downloadable files will be stored. Update each tag with the name of an appropriate subfolder of the _____Sample_Folder_Structure directory you just opened. The following tags are available for you to modify:

Tag Name

Purpose of Folder


This directory contains files uploaded during the completion of a workflow request, using a data element of type Application Upload.


This directory contains files uploaded during the completion of a workflow request, using a data element of type Document Upload.


This directory contains files uploaded during the completion of a workflow request, using a data element of type Dependency Upload.


This directory contains files that can be downloaded from the Downloadable Files sub-tab of a workflow request’s Workflow Request page.


This directory contains files associated with an issue raised during the course of a workflow request.

For example, the contents of DirectoryConfig.xml might look like this:


















3. If any of the folder names you specified in the previous step do not yet exist as subfolders of the _____Sample_Folder_Structure, ensure you create them before beginning to use Workflow Manager.

Note • The first time a workflow consumer or administrator uploads a file during the course of completing a workflow request, Workflow Manager does the following:

Creates a subdirectory of the file share directory using the name of the workflow administrator company associated with the request (unless such a folder already exists).
Creates a subfolder of the workflow administrator company directory using the name of the workflow consumer company associated with the request (unless the folder already exists).
Creates a subdirectory of the workflow consumer company directory for the new workflow request, using a GUID appended to the workflow request name.
Copies all the files and folders in the _____Sample_Folder_Structure folder to the new workflow request directory.

The file being uploaded is then placed into the appropriate subfolder (as defined in the DirectoryConfig.xml file), and the same happens to all subsequent uploaded files.

See Also