Setup.exe Run-Time Errors and Warnings

InstallShield 2015 Express Edition

The table below lists the errors that you may encounter when running Setup.exe. You can trap these return values when you call CreateProcess() to launch Setup.exe. However, Setup.exe does not return error codes from MsiExec.exe.

Note: If you encounter an error, the strings displayed may not be displayed in English if your operating system is not running in English.

Setup.exe Run-Time Errors and Warnings



Troubleshooting Tips


The user canceled the setup.

Run the setup again without pressing the Esc key or clicking the Cancel button.


Setup has detected an incompatible version of Windows. Please click OK and relaunch setup on Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0, or later.

Windows Installer is compatible with NT 4.0 and later, and Windows 9x. Check your version of Windows and upgrade if necessary.


Error writing to the temporary location.

In order to write to the temporary location, the environment variable TEMP must be set. Check to see that Temp folder exists and has enough disk space to accommodate the setup. If there are files in the Temp folder, delete them and rerun Setup.exe.


Error extracting <file name> to the temporary location.

Check to see that you are able to write to the Temp folder (see errors above). If the Temp folder is valid, there may be corrupt files in the setup. Check the files to ensure none are corrupted and rerun Setup.exe.


Error reading setup initialization file.

The Setup.ini file must be located in the same folder as Setup.exe. If not, move Setup.ini to that location.


Installer not found in <path>.

Windows Installer may not have been properly installed, or you may have an older version. Reinstall if necessary.


File <file name> not found.

Make sure the .msi file exists. If so, make sure it is located in the same folder as Setup.exe.


Failed to launch MsiExec.exe.

Make sure you are distributing the correct version or versions of Windows Installer for the target platform.

Check the syntax on your MsiExec.exe command-line arguments.


Error populating strings.

Verify all strings in Setup.ini are valid. Refer to the InstallShield License Agreement for more information.


Setup needs <amount> KB free space in <folder>. Please free up some space and try again.

There is insufficient disk space in your target location. Please make sure there is at least 10 MB of free space in the drive where the setup is set to install.


You do not have sufficient privileges to complete this installation for all users of the machine. Log on as an administrator and then retry this installation.

You must have administrative rights to complete this installation.


ANSI code page for <language> is not installed on the system and therefore setup cannot run in the selected language. Run the setup and select another language.

Run the setup and select another language.


General Windows Installer engine error. Increase DiskSpace requirement in Setup.ini and try again.

Reinstall Windows Installer by running InstMsiW.exe file (for Windows NT and 2000) or InstMsiA.exe (for Windows 9x) to reinstall.


An error occurred while downloading a file.

Check connectivity and disk space on the target machine and retry the download. Ensure Internet Explorer 3.02 or later is installed on the target system.


Unable to save file.

The specified file was unable to be saved. This can be for a variety of reasons, including insufficient permissions on the target system, loss of connectivity, lack of space, etc. Ensure you have access to the target directory.

See Also