Get User Input - Advanced

InstallAnywhere 2017

This panel allows users to provide more complex input responses that you can use to guide the install process at run time. With the Get User Input - Advanced panel, you provide a panel title, prompt, and one or more input components. These can be text fields, choice groups, labels, and more.

Get User Input - Advanced Panel Controls




The title the installer will show for this panel.


The message with which you can specify the type of information the installer requests and the purpose for or results of those responses.


Lists the components, by their type, number, and label, included on the current Get User Input - Advanced panel.

Add Textfield

Adds a Textfield component to the Components list.

Add Choice Group

Adds a Choice Group component to the Components list.

Add Label

Adds a Label component to the Components list.

Add File Chooser

Adds a File Chooser component to the Components list.

Move Up/Move Down

Moves the component selected in the Components table up or down one row.

Configure Selection

Opens a Configure dialog box specific to the component type selected in the Component Type list. These dialog boxes set the number, layout, orientation, color, font, default value, results variable for controls within the component.

Configure Textfield Dialog Box—Allows you to provide optional captions and labels, set the label location and echo character (normal/shadowed), enter an optional default value, define the results variable, and set typeface, size, and colors for the caption, label, and text field.
Configure Choice Group Dialog Box—Allows you to choose from Checkbox, Radio Button, Popup Menu, and List control types; choose a horizontal or vertical orientation; provide an optional caption; define text (Bidi) orientation, and set typeface, size, and colors for the choice group caption and controls. This dialog box also includes a Configure Components table in which you add or remove the individual choice group controls and define their labels, defaults, results variables, text reading order, and subcomponents. (Subcomponents allow you to define sets of child controls dependent on the activation of their parent control. For example, a check box might activate a set of related text fields when clicked.)
Configure Label Dialog Box—Allows you to provide an optional caption, choose from Plain Label or Wrapping Label types, define the label text, and set typeface, size, and colors for both the caption and the label.
Configure File Chooser Dialog Box—Allows you to provide optional captions and labels, choose from File or Directory chooser types, set a default location, define the results variable, and set typeface, size, and colors for the File Chooser component.

Remove Selection

Deletes the currently selected component from the Components list.

Preview Panel

Shows a preview of the panel as it is currently configured.

See Also